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El Tour style trips!

Dear colleagues and friends!                                                                                                                             

Welcome to our website.

Many years of experience in the sphere o tourism has laid the foundation of the company's current reputation in the worldwide  tourism market, and during the successful work we proved ourselves as the most stable leader in market of travel services in Armenia, and a prudent financial policy of our  company allows us to guarantee the implementation of all our obligations, despite the crisis, currency fluctuations, etc.High sense of responsibility, the concept and the clarity honesty in relationships with our  partners and tourists allowed us become a partner of all prestigious hotels, rest houses, restaurants, clubs, and other establishments in Armenia, which gives us a great opportunity to pick up the type of rest as much as possible taking into consideration wishes of the tourist in the lowest possible prices. "El Tour" - a tour operator with an impeccable reputation, and around the world we are famous and  loved.

We guarantee high quality services, reliability, as well as a serious approach to our work.  "El Tour" is constantly developing, and regularly  adding its range with new tours.We are constantly improving the quality of our services, in order to do the best for our clients.Undoubted advantage of our work is the presence of own reservation ON LINE system, where you can see the availability of all hotels in Armenia and availability of tours. You can calculate the cost of the chosen accommodation and book directly from the site.I hope our website will be useful for you.

With great affection and Armenian hospitality

Lusine Ruben Sardaryan

Director of "El Tour" company

Active  Tourists  Club

For Agencies

Exchange Rates - AMD

  • USD 478.57
  • GBP 745.91
  • EUR 531.73
  • RUB 7.35


Contact Us

  14/1 Vardanants str.,Yerevan
  +374 10 560095, +374 10 560092
  Mob / Viber : +374 96 560095, +374 96 011199